About project

Logo Design
For Eva's Kitchen, we crafted a unique and memorable logo that captures the essence of their culinary brand. The logo features a vibrant color palette and an elegant, yet approachable design that reflects the warmth and creativity of Eva’s Kitchen. Our goal was to create a logo that not only stands out but also resonates with their target audience, evoking a sense of home-cooked goodness and quality.

Visiting Card
We designed a sleek and professional visiting card for Eva's Kitchen that incorporates the new logo and brand colors. The visiting card is both eye-catching and functional, providing essential contact information in a clear and stylish format. The design ensures that it leaves a lasting impression, making it easy for clients to reach out and connect with Eva's Kitchen.

Shop Board
The shop board design for Eva's Kitchen was created to enhance curb appeal and attract foot traffic. Utilizing the new logo and a bold, readable font, the shop board effectively communicates the brand’s identity and the delicious offerings inside. The design is visually appealing and strategically placed to ensure maximum visibility, drawing in customers with its inviting look.




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