About project

Green Plus, a leading company in the agrochemicals industry, tasked us with developing a cohesive and visually striking brand identity that reflects their commitment to sustainability and innovation in agriculture. Our objective was to design a logo and packaging that would not only appeal to their target audience but also communicate their dedication to eco-friendly practices and cutting-edge agricultural solutions.

Logo Design
For the logo, we aimed to create a design that embodies growth, sustainability, and modernity. The logo features a vibrant green color palette, symbolizing nature and environmental consciousness, combined with a sleek and professional typeface. The design includes elements that represent plant growth and chemical innovation, ensuring the logo is versatile and impactful across various branding platforms.

Packaging Design
The packaging design was developed to be both functional and visually appealing, aligning with Green Plus's values and industry standards. We utilized eco-friendly materials and incorporated natural elements to emphasize the brand's commitment to sustainability. The packaging features earthy tones and organic textures, with clear and informative labeling that highlights the product's benefits and usage. Our design ensures that the packaging stands out on the shelves, enhancing product visibility and consumer appeal.




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